Olivia Grace remembers her Papi

Ron Erbel actually had 10 grandkids (the oldest being much older) and 9 littles, all born close together. Olivia is the 5th grandchild when you count Tatitana, the oldest.

A Soldiers Voice

“He was a Soldier in the Irish Civil War” On January 2, 2019 David O’Mara (14) sat down with his father Jason O’Mara (42) to talk about his childhood in liberated Ireland and his grandmother’s stories about the history of...

Interview with my dad about his life in Korea before moving to the US.

In this interview, conducted in November 2019 in Santa Clara, California, I interviewed my dad Philip Whang (55) about his childhood life in Korea and the events that happened at that time. He shared stories about what education was like...

Papa’s Best Thanksgiving

Today, me and my grandfather discussed questions about Thanksgiving when he was a child. He discussed the most memorable Thanksgiving he had, one of his family’s Thanksgiving traditions, and his favorite Thanksgiving dish.

Caroline Blain 94 years old 2018

Early 20th century life in Syracuse. Experience of a woman in banking in the 50s and 60s. Loss. Happiness


This is the story of my immigrant stepfather who became a role model to me.