Sadie Levin and her past teacher Terry Gladstone talk about life influences, lessons and jobs.

In this interview, Created on November 26, 2017 in Manhattan Beach, California. Sadie Levin (14) and her past teacher Terry Gladstone discussed many influences that Mrs. Gladstone had in her life what led her to where she is today. We...

Interviewing my mom

We talked about my mom's origin. Also, we talked about her backstory of when she came to America.

Interviewing my dad

What was talked about was my fathers childhood, what he thinks of the world, what he thinks of me and what he thinks it means to be successful. We also added addition questions to questions like “where did you grow...

Veronica Pinzon’s Life

Short interview about my Mother’s life as a kid, teenager, and young adult.

Our Eyes Have Seen (Episode IV: Life and Times of Thomas Henry Sheffler)

Part I: A multigenerational conversation about the events in history that we witnessed and how they affected us. We talk about culture, war, television, media, historical influences, points of view and legacy. Part II: Uploaded separately as Teacher Talk -...

Barrett brown And her grandma Charlie Lennon talking about her life living in California and in North Carolina.

In this interview, on November 26 2020 in The bay area in California, Barrett Brown age (13) Will be talking to her grandma Charlie Lennon age (83) talking about her life moving states, going to college, her childhood, and being...

Immigration Experience (part 2)

An interview with professor, Dr. Arreguín Bermúdez about his immigration experience, being undocumented in the United States and eventually opening up his own business.

1928 to 2020: John F. McGrew

Growing up in the midwest (Iowa), attending the U.S. Naval Academy (1951), his career in education, and raising a family.