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9/11 discussion with mom
December 4, 2018 App Interview

We talked about 9/11. About all of the affects and how it has impacted our modern day.

Family Immigration

This interview discusses the immigration of my great grandfather.

"It's not the money in the bank, it's the money in the relationships with your family that matter most."

I interviewed my grandfather about his life. We enjoyed a good conversation where I got to learn new things about him and while we enjoyed some quality bonding time together.

Lois Spearing 4-14-2020

Lois Spearing (89) talks with her granddaughter, Lindsay Pope (36) about her life from childhood to adult.

Melissa Umphres 2020

Melissa Umphres describes her life dealing with alcoholism and her moments leading up to it. If her family played a big part in her addiction or not.

Interview with my dad

In this interview I discuss with my father his immigration to America from India and how adjusting to American culture has been.

Maureen Martinson and Desiree Marcil Reflects On Relationship With Her Life

Distance makes the heart grow fonder. On April 27th 2021, Desiree Marcil in Yorba Linda, California interviews mother, Maureen Martinson, in Brea, California. Maureen Martinson reflects on her life with a hospitalized parent, a liberal daughter, and the effects of...