David Heffelfinger and Steven Baum

David Heffelfinger (67) and One Small Step conversation partner Steven Baum (74) discuss impactful moments in their lives and historical moments in US politics.

The War On Terror (9/11)

After the attacks of 9/11, airport security changed dramatically as well as individuals views on the actions taken by the government. I interviewed my father who worked at American Airlines at the time on his views and opinions in regards...

Talking to my dad Peter Bordes Jr.

We talked about growing up. Favorite, and non-favorite things about family and school.

Story Corps with Dad

My dad and I talked about my dad’s childhood, struggles, happy moments, and career. It was a fun interview as I learned some things I never knew about him before.

Tati’s Emigration

Dad Talía about his experience emigrating from communist Romania to the US through Italy and his experience once arriving to America.