On Thanksgiving day, I (Emily) and Joenna participated in an interview where we talked about the similarities in our lives and how being an Asian American influences it!

The Great Thanksgiving Listen

Alexis (17) and Terry Fizer (47), father and daughter. An interview talking to terry about his life growing up and college and work.

Interview project

We spoke about America and how her views are and how America could improve

Interview with my mom and her life and perspective

I interviewed my mom on how her childhood was like, her life in America, and future perspectives.

Humanities 195 (Fall 2019)

Why did you choose NAU? Why is college important to you?

“It wasn’t easy” – Growing up in New York

My grandfather talks about the changes he experienced and how difficult life was growing up in New York with nothing. He discusses his relationship with his brother and some stories from schooling in Cuba. How he managed to overcome immense...

Talking to my Kuya

i talked to my older brother about various topics such as school, transitioning from philippine life to us life, and his health. he then proceeded to ask /me/ some personal questions. sorry that 2/3 of my face is cropped off...

101-Year-Old Arnold Duevel Talks about a Century of Life

Arnold Duevel talks about growing up in Central Minnesota. Born in 1918, he shares vivid memories of his childhood and teen-aged years. A decorated World War II veteran, Arnold has led a long and momentous life.

Mom’s take on Thanksgiving :)

My mom and I talked about our favorites concerning Thanksgiving and her favorite memories. We talked about the future and our hopes and dreams.

Morals behind the Memories

“The Germans shot my father, shot my sister, she was twelve years old.” On November 28, 2019 in Studio City, California, Andrew Yotnegparian sat down with his grandfather, Maurice Yotnegparian, to learn about the struggles he faced in his life...