Kevin O'Leary and Alex Wu

Andover Stories of American Identity: Andover resident Kevin O'Leary shares his story about his worldly upbringing, and how it all led to his profession of becoming a psychologist to help wounded veterans heal.

Chris Klein & Alex Wu

Chris Klein, an Andover native and author, discusses his German and Irish roots. He recounts his life growing up amidst classism in the 1980s. Inspired by AP US History class, he discovered his passion for research-based writing, determined to preserve...

John and Leslie Boloian and Alex Wu

Andover Stories of American Identity: John and Leslie share their compelling family story relating to the trauma of the Armenian Genocide, immigrating to Andover as farmers, and creating a legacy through their land and culture.

Hochan Won and Alex Wu

Creating Community Through Sharing Stories: Hochan Won was born in South Korea, and her family immigrated to the United States when she was six years old. After going to school, graduating, and working in the Boston area she and her...

Leah Okimoto and Alex Wu

Creating Community Through Sharing Stories: Leah Okimoto was born in upstate New York, and after having to move to several places across the country, she settled in Marlboro, Massachusetts, where she cemented her childhood. In New York City, she pursued...

Nicolette Nordin Heavey and Alex Wu

Creating Community Through Sharing Stories: Nicolette Nordin Heavey was born Detroit, but spent the majority of her childhood in Belgium and England. After attending college in America, she moved to Andover to raise her family. Wanting to help contribute to...