Dorothy Garza and Twilla Booker

Friends Twilla Booker (59) talks with Dorothy Garza (63) about Dorothy’s childhood, her family, her time in college, in the Air Force, in Alaska, and Japan, her children, and about the life lessons that she would like to pass on...

Tamara Moore and Andrea Hulman-Watsjold

One Small Step conversation partners Tamara Moore (46) and Andrea Hulman-Watsjold (31) discuss their careers, political values, and what the biggest issues in Alaska are.

Ryan McKee and Evan Fried

One Small Step conversation partners Ryan McKee (34) and Evan Fried (31) talk about their political beliefs, issues with politically similar people, and how the country can move forward less divided.

Interview with my Grandma in 2023

I, the interviewer, am Brooklyn Elizabeth Adams and I am interviewing my 63 year old grandmother named Sandra Gallagher. We talked mostly about her time in Anchorage, Alaska.