Mom’s Thanksgiving Interview

I interview my mom and got a more in-depth overview of her life, childhood, and adulthood.

David Heffelfinger and Steven Baum

David Heffelfinger (67) and One Small Step conversation partner Steven Baum (74) discuss impactful moments in their lives and historical moments in US politics.

Interviewing my Grandpa

Interviewing my grandfather, I ask him about his childhood, his relationship with my grandmother and my mom, and he ends with a word of advice to his great grandchildren.

Mom’s history

Mom talks about my childhood and hers as well

Words of the wiser

I talked with my grandparents about what their childhood was like and some of the things that themselves and my mom had done.

What movie stars did you meet?

My grandfather talks about his work experience and some of the most interesting places he has been too. He reminisces’ about good old times with family. He lists off some of the 32 Countries he has been too for business,...