Michael Alto and Robert Neumann

Michael Alto (43) shares a conversation with his spouse, Robert Neumann (44), about their sad and happy memories, as well as their wishes for a future generation.

My dear mother’s interview

My mom tells her story about being in the Philippines and all the fun she had as a child and as an adult as well.

Luke Catlin and Jaclyn McAnarney

One Small Step conversation partners Luke Catlin (49) and Jaclyn McAnarney (35) talk about fearing what we don't know, the wisdom of being uncertain, patriarchy, being a true patriot, and "following the money."

Maureen Martinson and Desiree Marcil Reflects On Relationship With Her Life

Distance makes the heart grow fonder. On April 27th 2021, Desiree Marcil in Yorba Linda, California interviews mother, Maureen Martinson, in Brea, California. Maureen Martinson reflects on her life with a hospitalized parent, a liberal daughter, and the effects of...

Lois Spearing 4-14-2020

Lois Spearing (89) talks with her granddaughter, Lindsay Pope (36) about her life from childhood to adult.