Love, Riots, and Violence, at USC

Ann Garrett, from Clovis, California, in her junior year of USC, 1992, was put into the middle of the Rodney King riots. It is a firsthand story of someone stuck in a violent protest. Interviewed by Luke Garrett, 14, her...

Baseball with Mikey

I talk baseball and college with Mikey Edelman

Ady Achenbach and Courtney Ridding

Dan (grampy) Maynard discusses what times in the '60s were like through his eyes.

Interview with Bryson

Discussing pressing topics with Bryson and how he views them.

1960s interview

My grandpa, Paul Market, was 15 in 1960. During this interview, he discusses his lifestyle during the 1960s and his feelings regarding the major changes in his life and the overall time period. Also, he mentions major events that he...

Interviewing my mom

Talking about her life and the hardships she faced in her childhood, raising me, being a single parent, along with pursuing her career and doctorates.

Maddie Harland and her mother, Michele Harland, talk about life, parenthood, illness, and childhood memories.

In this interview, conducted in December 2017 in Glenville, New York, Maddie Harland (16) interviews Michele Harland (46), her mother, about her childhood, important role models, and her battle with leukemia. Mrs. Harland shares her experiences as a mother and...

Arlene Chasek, interviewed by Mike Aron Feb 2021

Mike grew up in New Providence. He interviewed Arlene Chasek, who along with her husband, Marvin, has lived in New Providence all her adult life.