Marcus Loganbill and Betty Farrell

One Small Step partners, Marcus Loganbill (67) and Betty Farrell (76) learn about each other's beliefs by discuss their role as teachers, relationship to their respective churches and their early memories of politics.

Debbie Reynolds and Carole Geier

One Small Step conversation partners and friends Debbie Reynolds (61) and Carole Geier (76) talk about the following topics: their social and political beliefs, what it's like to be liberal/moderate in a conservative region, using humor to navigate family gatherings,...

Interview #2 with Linda Howe

Stacey Howe, Jared Howe, Cullen Howe, and Lanessa Davis all met with Linda Howe on 7/31/23 to have a second interview about Linda's life. We covered some information on what her parent's house in Kansas City, MO cost when it...

True crime story

I talked with my friend who went to college out in Garden City Kansas. He tells the story of one of his first college experiences which happened to be him being caught by the cops at a college party.

A Word with Dr. Robin

(Updated 1/6/21: Edited to improve sound and decrease overlap caused by delay.) In an overdue reunion, Robin Wilson graced me with an hour of her Sunday to share her story. She passed down a major portion of my teaching-for-justice toolbox...

Christen Brouillette and Gretchen Moirtensen

One Small Step conversation partners Christen Brouillette (24) and Gretchen Moirtensen (67) have a conversation about family acceptance of coming out, abortion, civil rights issues, and government assistance.

Marian Shapiro and Robert Price

One Small Step conversation partners Marian Shapiro (78) and Robert Price (73) discuss their belief systems, their families, their political involvement, their concepts of racism, their environmental advocacies, about the functioning of the government, about words that discriminate, and about...

Jan Manlove and Charlie Claycomb

One Small Step partners Jan Manlove (69) and Charlie Claycomb (75) have a conversation about their careers, local politics, and their lives since retirement.