Varshini Ganesh and her sister Shivani Srividya talk about their life moments and growing experiences.

In this interview, conducted on December 2nd, 2017 in Plano, Texas, Shivani Srividya talks about her childhood. Varshini Ganesh and Shivani Srividya being sisters talk about them growing up together. She talks about her memories and vivid imaginations as what...

“I was known as Chester’s dark-skinned boy”

On March 4, 91 year old Dusty Rhodes, combat veteran, and NAACP member spoke about his life experiences from the balcony he loves to relax on at the Legacy at Cimarron Retirement Center. Here, he discusses his experience being his...

Ivonne Diaz and Sofía Avant-Mier

Colleagues Ivonne Diaz (35) and Sofía Aviant-Mier (22) discuss their experiences as Mexican-Americans in the United States, the political advocacy work they do with the nonprofit Texas Rising, and how they attempt to create work-life boundaries and advocate for themselves.

GTL Interview

An interview about where my father grew up and what is was like for him.

What was Life like Growing Up?

Today I'm here with Andy Blake, my foster father and I'm going to ask him a few questions about what life's like growing up.

Thanksgiving Interview

This is a interview with my grandfather Gary Jenkins. We talk about a few of his accomplishments in life.

Ella Wilson interviews any Wilson about her life and family

My mother is an amazing women who has accomplished many things in her life. In my podcast we talk about some of those things and some backstory into my family.

The World's Out There, Which Ever Part Of It You Want To Be In.

Elaine Turner Lamb talks with her colleague, Cristi Hebert about creating her own sense of home, especially in light of her life traveling, and recreating a home again and again, and especially the importance of story.