Interview My Dad

Interview my dad about his childhood and life lessons

Interview Assignment

She told me about her life and who shes remembers, and what she remembers being her best memory

Entrevista con mi Tia Sonia

Una entrevista con mi Tía Sonia acerca de su vida, niñez, trabajo y escuela. Ella aconseja a los jóvenes que les echen ganas y siguen sus sueños.

Growing up in Veracruz Mexico and migrating to the US for a better life.

In this interview, conducted in April 22, 2018 in Tustin, California, Joanna Martínez interviews her aunt Teresa Castro about her childhood and how she always looked at everything on the bright side. Teresa talks about her having a cheerful childhood...

Story corps

Questions about Mariana’s childhood.

Sadira and Mom : Life in Mexico

Talking with my mother about her childhood and moving to the States