Angela Meyers and Allison Cleveland

Allison Leigh Cleveland (61) tells her colleague Angela Meyers (42) about her experiences in the army during the Cold War doing military intelligence and guard duty in Germany. She also describes witnessing the fall of the Berlin Wall on her...

Olivia Johnson and Leah Hazell

One Small Step conversation partners Olivia Johnson (38) and Leah Hazell (68) come together to share their lived experiences and talk through the complicated aspects of being loving parents. The two share in common that they came to One Small...

Emily Zambito and Aaron Gilmore

One Small Step conversation partners Emily Zambito (31) and Aaron Gilmore (34), talk about their shared upbringings in Christian faith and how that shaped their political and moral values in opposite ways.

Fred Jones and Rachel Schmidt

Rachel Schmidt (41) sits down with her father, Fred Jones (79), to ask him about his young adult years. Fred shares stories from his time studying at the Georgia Institute of Technology and from his time serving in the U.S....

Gabriele Azhar and Alia Azhar

Alia Azhar (42) shares a conversation with her mother, Gabriele "Gaby" Azhar (75), about how Gabriele first came to the United States, what her life was like growing up in Florida then Georgia, about her family, and about meeting her...