An Interview with Dave Holt
January 16, 2018 App Interview

Kevin Kim (17) interviews his English tutor Dave Holt (69) about his childhood in a small town in Canada. Mr. Holt shares his story about living throughout the Cold War. He talks about his native American heritage experience. At minute...

Kent Anderson and Stephanie Vos

One Small Step partners Kent Anderson (48) and Stephanie Vos (35) talk about the differences between faith and religion, their family history, and their political views.

Matthew White and Matthew Baxley

One Small Step conversation partners Matthew White (49) and Matthew Baxley (39) talk about growing up in conservative Christian families, being homeschooled, being shaped by trauma in their childhood, and their love of the outdoors.

Odin Corbett and PJ

Odin Corbett: 2021-01-11 17:14:45, a talk about religion and the morals and structure of humankind.

Mike Hayes, Emily Peters and Scott Acord

Emily shares her experience of being the eldest of 4 children whose father died when she was 12, just 6 yrs after her mother died. Emily, had been the only mother her siblings knew and when they moved their aunt...

Nicole Poole and David Bowen

One Small Step partners Nicole Poole (52) and David "Dave" Bowen (59) talk about how trauma has shaped their lives, how they approach communicating across difference, and how they experience their own spirituality.

Gissell Flores and her aunt Gabriela Pinedo talk about life lessons.

In this interview, Gissell Flores and her aunt, Gabriela Pinedo, talk about some of the lessons life has taught them. Her aunt shares a profound religious experience she had with her younger child, Jacob. She gives teenagers an advice that...