Defining Happiness and Family

In this interview we talked about family, marriage, and happiness. We discussed why family is important and what our hopes are for one another.

Josh Marchant Vietnam War interview with his grandfather, Randy Marchant

Randy Marchant is my grandpa, he was born in 1945. Topics such as his time in college, the draft process, and his stories are talked about.

Desiree Jarrard & Paul Newland

Desiree Jarrard (36) talks with her cousin Paul Newland (39) about his military experience and how it affects his life currently.

Grandma Kaminski talks about her childhood

I am Connor Kaminski, one of the youngest grandchildren of my grandmother Alice Kaminski. She is the oldest living member of my entire extended family and the last of my grandparents. Turning 87 in 2018, she is an inspiration because...

Stephanie Lowenhaupt and Sarah Goraya

[Recorded: Thursday, February 2nd, 2023] Stephanie (68) and Sarah (19) have a One Small Step conversation in Charlottesville, Virginia. Stephanie is a retired nurse and research coordinator from Charlottesville and Sarah is a Second Year at the University of Virginia...