Thanksgiving interveiw

Interview with Grandma about what were her fondest memories with her grandparents, her teenage years, and what she is most grateful for.

Grandma’s Journey from Boston to California

My grandma was born in Boston, and she later moved to New Hampshire. She attended University of Michigan when her husband Ian was fighting in the Gulf War. She remembers all of the political turmoil that was happening when she...

Interviewing my grandma!

I asked my maternal grandmother some questions about her childhood and adulthood

The impact of morning light on the sailing world
January 24, 2019 App Interview

Roy Disney worked on a movie called Morning Light where they took kids who had never sailed before and trained them for months so they could sail in one of the toughest races in the world of sailing, the transpac....

My Amazing Grandfather

This interview, conducted December 30, 2020 in Tustin, California Brady Steinle (12) interviewed his grandfather, Thomas Roddel (81).I learned so much about my grandpa’s life. I learned about some of his personal experiences, childhood and his accomplishments. He talked about...

Interviewing My Grandma

I interviewed my grandma, Hilda Fowler on her life, but especially her childhood. My grandma grew up in North Carolina just outside of Raleigh. Her whole life she lived in the south. She was born on March 7, 1936 and...