What movie stars did you meet?

My grandfather talks about his work experience and some of the most interesting places he has been too. He reminisces’ about good old times with family. He lists off some of the 32 Countries he has been too for business,...

Veronica Fischmann and Jenni Lippold

One Small Step conversation partners Veronica (36) and Jenni (42) have a conversation about their backgrounds growing up and living in different places, their experiences living abroad in Italy, and their views on having diverse communities and perspectives in their...

Susan Canaday Henry and Naomi Love

Naomi Love (27) interviews her new friend Susan Canaday Henry (48) about getting over her arachnophobia, her career, her relationship with art, her childhood, and the life lessons that she has learned along the way.

Chika Offurum and Chapin Montague

Chika Offurum (48) shares with her colleague Chapin Montague (23) her experience advocating for a higher quality of education as a student and child of immigrant parents from Nigeria.

“It wasn’t easy” – Growing up in New York

My grandfather talks about the changes he experienced and how difficult life was growing up in New York with nothing. He discusses his relationship with his brother and some stories from schooling in Cuba. How he managed to overcome immense...

Where are you from and why are you here? Leeanne interviews Tania about growing up between cultures and what led to her move to Norway.

In this interview, Tania discusses being a hyper and adventure-seeking child growing up both Danish and American in New York. She compares her wild plans for the future to how things turned out, what led her to decide to move...

Olga Ryrakhovsky and Helen Chervitz

Helen Chervitz [no age given] shares a conversation with her daughter Olga Ryrahkovsky (32) about motherhood, Olga's childhood, and some of the life lessons they've learned from one another.