Mother’s Interview

This was an interiview done by me to my mom. She told me some of her greatest memories of her childhood and me. She also talked about her biggest influence in her life and proudest moments.

Growing up in Ohio

My dad explains what he did as a child growing up and what things changed as he went into highschool.

What it Means to Work Hard – An interview with my Dad

I sat down with my dad to talk about his life and how he grew up. He started from basically nothing and took advice from those of a greater intelligence and applied it to his life and has become very...

Growing Up in Chicago

This interview was conducted November 26, 2018 in Chicago, Illinois. Natalia Beltran (16) interviewed her mom, Erica Avila (36) about her childhood in Humboldt Park and how living in such a troubled neighborhood shaped her into the woman she is...