One Small Step: Kyle

"When I was five, my mom and my aunt took me to a John Kerry rally in 2004 when he was running for president."

“It made me a stronger woman.”

Leslie shared her partake on social injustices that she faced in her life.

A conversation with a friend

I interview my good friend about his life, we discuss immigration from Monterrey, NL to Laredo,TX and how that impacted his life. Mexican culture regarding family and friendship. Growing up between Mexico and Texas, living on the border.

One Small Step: Julie

"My parents were pretty strict-- it's totally different than when I was a kid."

The art room to the courtroom

The struggles of Dave Welch in doing what he loved to doing what was necessary to support his family.

One Small Step: Geraldine

"An experience that shaped my politics would be growing up in Britain with parents with socialist ideas."

The Life of a Single Working Parent

My mother, Alma Palafox, talks about her life experience as a working single mother and a child of immigrant parents. The interview is significant to me because of the important parenting advice she shared with me during the time of...

Apush interview

Me talking with my mom about her upbringing and her family’s impact on the world

One Small Step: Sally Ann and Eileen

"What shaped my politics was the Black Panther Trial that went on here in New Haven in 1969,"

Gerard Alexander and Nathan Moore

[Recorded: Monday, March 21, 2022] Gerard Alexander (56) and Nathan Moore (41) have an impromptu One Small Step conversation in Charlottesville, Virginia. Gerard, a UVA professor, and Nathan, general manager of WTJU radio station, discuss anthropology and their experiences traveling...

The importance of self love

The goals and life lessons you learn throughout a young age

Dru and Her World
November 30, 2022 App Interview

Today I interviewed my sister. She comes back from a diverse background and I wanted her to elaborate on what that is like.

Bob Pearson and Carlos Rodriguez

[Recorded: Friday, November 19th, 2021] Bob Pearson (70) and Carlos Rodriguez (20) have a One Small Step conversation in Charlottesville, VA. Bob is an Air Force veteran and Carlos is a second-year student at UVA. Bob grew up in a...

Prostate Cancer in the African-American Community

Leroy Harmon Jr talks about his experience with prostate cancer and the effects it has on him and the black community.


Mr. Zhou talked about his immigration to China and his experience as a Chinese American.

An interview with Dad

An interview between a daughter and her 91 year old father and some of his history as a Chicano growing up in Los Angeles and his life in the Marine Corps.

Yasir Mahboba and Evelyn Garey

[Recorded: Thursday, April 27, 2023] Yasir (22) and Evelyn (21) have a One Small Step conversation in Charlottesville, Virginia. Yasir is an undergraduate student at the University of Virginia studying biology on a pre-med track. Evelyn is also an undergraduate...

“I was known as Chester’s dark-skinned boy”

On March 4, 91 year old Dusty Rhodes, combat veteran, and NAACP member spoke about his life experiences from the balcony he loves to relax on at the Legacy at Cimarron Retirement Center. Here, he discusses his experience being his...

PharmD Candidate Calixta Terrell

Morgan Condon's interview with PharmD candidate Calixta Terrell who is currently studying at Binghamton University and has worked in the field for 4 years. Morgan and Calixta talk about balancing school and personal life along with misconceptions in the pharmacy...