Interview with my grandmother who is 88 and has lived an interesting life. Going over some childhood memories and where life has taken her.

Mom/Son Interview.

We talked about a variety of things.Included how she grew up,Covid-19 and a lot more.

Choose the Right with all Your Might and Things May Go Your Way

Today I talked with my sweet mom Melinda and got to know some more details about her childhood and young adulthood. She discusses good memories in her life from summers in Kansas to work and raising her kids.

Hazel reminisces about her childhood immigration to Canada and later the USA.

Hazel and her family moved to Canada from England when she was a young child and later they had to move to the USA. She takes us through her memories of the immigration and her childhood.

I Never Saw a Banana: And Other Stories About World War ll

In a both scary and touching interview, 15-year old Milo Silverstein sits down with his British Nana, Keitha Silverstein, and hears all about her childhood growing up outside of London in the 1940’s during World War ll. Keitha paints a...

Interview with Nana

This interview was done on November 22, 2018 on thanksgiving morning in Annapolis, Maryland. I, Will Dickinson, interviewed my grandmother Joan Bowling. We discussed topics such as her childhood and family memories. Another topic we discussed was where our ancestors...