Alex Swerdloff and Victoria "Vicky" Swerdloff

Victoria "Vicky" Swerdloff (54) shares a conversation with her daughter Alex Swerdloff (22) about life after college, memories of growing up, experiences in Boise, Idaho, perspectives, and their relationship.

Dennis Knepp and Lea Zikmund

Dennis Knepp (51) shares a conversation with new friend Lea Zikmund (26), about his first week in grad school, his education, and how he transitioned from student to teacher. They are talk about family, adventures aboard, and what he is...

Dave Schoen talks to Yasmin Misra about his childhood and his experiences later on in life as an educator

On November 21, 2018 in Dallas, Texas, Yasmin Misra (16) and Dave Schoen (74), family friends, discuss Mr. Schoen's childhood and Norwegian upbringing in rural Wisconsin. Mr. Schoen also talks about teaching as a university professor in Indiana and how...

Master Opal’s Story
October 21, 2022 App Interview

Justin Clark’s instructor, Master Opal Harbert, shares her story. She explains how she got up to this point, how she progressed, and her tactics on teaching kids in need.

The Importance of Hard Work

Eric Vadon speaks about the importance of education, hard work and family. He talks about the morals and events that shaped his life.