Amy Yarger discusses Urban Prairies Project in Colorado with Karyn Light-Gibson

Karyn, a graduate student at Miami University, talks with Amy Yarger. Amy works at the Butterfly Pavilion as the Horticulture Director. She talks with Karyn about the Urban Prairies Project and its importance to the overall biodiversity of Denver, surrounding...

KU UBPL Grad Student Troy Watterson And Planning and Building Director, Zach Tusinger’s Interview

Troy Watterson, a KU UBPL Graduate Student, conducts an interview with current Planning and Building Director for the City of Calistoga, Zach Tusinger and share his experience, accomplishments and story, as an professional planner.

Henry Watson and Ben Teague

Ben Teague (45) talks with his father, Henry Theodore Watson (80), about some difficult decisions Henry has had to make, as well as balancing family and career.

E. Larry Keating and Audrey Gilmore

E. Larry Keating (81) talks with his granddaughter, Audrey Gilmore (17), about his work and life entwined with the places he's lived. They discuss the values impressed by locales ranging from Ireland to Lake Allatoona, Georgia, and the ways in...

Tommy Timm and Jennifer Timm

Tommy Timm (76) talks with his daughter Jennifer Timm (44) about his long career in social activism and the various movements he has been a part of both in the United States and South America.

Randy Williams and Jess Lucero

Friends Randy Williams [no age given] and Jess Lucero [no age given] discuss how they met and their work with the Cache Refugee Immigrant Connection (CRIC).

Neighborhood Equity and Latino Urbanism in Dallas, TX

A discussion about the Latino experience in Dallas, TX, small business owners and the threat of housing displacement in Oak Cliff neighborhoods with Jennifer Rangel, urban planner and author of "A Geographical Examination of Urban Planning - Oak Cliff as...

Allison Henderson and Sara Copeland

Allison Henderson 1st year Graduate student in the MUP at the University of Kansas talks with Sara Copeland the Director of Community Development in North KC about her planning career.

Kip Strauss, HNTB discusses being a transportation planner to urban planning student Neda Torabi of the University of Kansas

Kip Strauss, HNTB (53) transportation planner of 25 plus years talks to Nada Torabi (41) a first year Iranian urban planning student working on her Masters degree from the University of Kansas. Kip talked about what its like to practice...

Archie Willis III and Constance Dyson

Archie Willis III (62) interviewed by his friend Constance Dyson [no age given] about his father A.W. Willia Jr. who was highly involved in the Civil Rights Movement, attending integrated schools, his mother's civic and volunteering work, how his childhood...

Bill Henry and Lisa Custalow

Colleagues Bill Henry (70) and Lisa Custalow (54) share a conversation about the human history of Shenandoah National Park, the people displaced by the government to create the park, and the work that they are both doing to honor the...

Emma VandeWater, Sean Tapia, and Urban Planning

Emma VandeWater is a student in the Master of Urban Planning program at the University of Kansas. Sean Tapia is a graduate of the University of Kansas and works at a planning firm in Chicago. In this interview we talked...

Laura Donaldson and Cathleen O'Brien

Laura Donaldson (52) talks to fellow disability rights organizer, Cathleen O'Brien (31) about her experiences with housing instability in Chicago, her difficulty finding both affordable and accessible housing as a woman of color with a disability, Laura has Cerebral Palsy,...

Lindsay Fox and Sylvia Trujillo

One Small Step conversation partners Lindsay Fox (45) and Sylvia Trujillo (39) talk about the barriers towards "financial stability" and generational wealth, navigating welfare systems, and feeling unrepresented by political parties.

City Park in Denver, Colorado

On a snowy day in Denver, I sat down with Parks and Recreation’s Executive Director, Allegra “Happy” Haynes to talk about our shared favorite place in the city to gather and play and connect with nature, City Park.

Vannessa Evans and Robert Mason

Vanessa Evans (63) and her brother Robert Mason (68) remember their childhoods, living in the time of segregation, and the now destroyed black community of Hayti. They also talk about what they hope for most and give messages to future...

Kellsie Forfar-Jones's Involvement in Community Engagement and Advocacy in the Urban Planning of Denver, Colorado

Valerie DeLeon (she/her) chats with Kellsie Forfar-Jones (she/her), Public Engagement Planner with Denver Regional Council of Governments, about what drew her to the field of urban planning, her passion for uplifting community voices, and what the future of Denver may...