"I was a B+ student, but I was a B+ student with a lot of grit." An Interview with Karen St. Germain

How does one go from being a B+ student who got dressed down by her 8th grade softball coach to the Division Director of the Earth Science Division at NASA? While this might sound like the plot of an inspirational...

An Interview With My Inspiring Noni

Molly Tittemore (15) talks with her Noni (Sicilian slang term for "grandmother"), who is 79 years old. They discussed her childhood, and how the events of her childhood transformed her into the dynamic woman she is today. Her Noni believes...

Ponderings with Pops

Me and my grandfather sat down to talk about his past and how he grew up. We talked about his education and how he met my grandmother, and how the conversation ended was how he would like to be remembered.

Philippines culture

In this interview I have a very special guest who's Filippino and we talk about their general culture

Priscilla Wyman Fuller: Whittemore placed a seed in adolescent minds, and the faculty helped it blossom

Priscilla Fuller discusses her time at Whittemore Elementary, an equalization school in SC, and the impact the faculty had on her intellectual and character development.

Project Interview with my mom

We mostly seemed to talk about the education and decisions my mom made in her life. Coming to America was a really big deal, and it changed our lives. Focusing on religion was also a big deal, as it made...

Antonio Santos and Naomi Love

Antonio Santos (48) and Naomi Love (27) discuss Antonio's early life and childhood in El Paso, Texas, including when he and a group of other students sued the U.S. Border Patrol while he was in high school. Additionally, they discuss...

Interview with Vanessa

In this interview, Vanessa and I spoke about life lessons, relationships, family, and more. She gave me advice on life and what she’s learned.