Memories from My Grandpa’s Past

First I asked my grandfather about his childhood and his upbringing. He talked about the school systems back in Iran, as well as growing up in a family of six. When I asked him about some early memories of school,...

Oral History of the Sixties Interview

Izzy Ruffer (16) and Brooklyn Collins (17) talk with Izzy's grandpa, David Ruffer (86) about his childhood, life experiences, education, and general life during the 1960's.

We Need More Teachers Like Her!

My name is Ozan Kara and I am a 17 years old cultural exchange student from Turkey. As an high school student in Bloomington, Indiana, I have had the chance to know a wonderful person, Vanessa Domizlaff, my German teacher...

Hans Riziki

Coming from Moshi, Tanzania, Hanz Riziki talks about the challenges he faced regarding his education, and his pursuit of a new life.

Jenny Rask Interviews dad Gene Rask about his life. Growing up with his family.

Jenny Rask: 2020-11-16 00:25:40 Jenny Rask Interviews dad Gene Rask about his life. Growing up with his family. Starting off talking about the 2020 elections and Biden/Harris winning the election, turning the republican dominated senate democratic. He remember the life...

Equitable Dinners Stories! Niya Randall

Niya Randall is an unapologetically Black mother who continues to disrupt inequities while working in social justice and education during these uncertain times. She’s one of our valued facilitators at Equitable Dinners. Here she talks about becoming aware of racism...

Jenny Rask Interviews Father Gene Rask About Living in Portland, Oregon and going to Central Catholic High School and The Korean War Draft.
September 27, 2020 App Interview

Jenny Rask: 2020-09-27 01:41:31 Jenny Rask Interviews Father Gene Rask about being a part of the reg room 9 "Brains" group at Central Catholic High School in Portland, Oregon, pets in dentist's offices..."Royce the Cockatou", college options for his family,...

"Schooling" COVID-19 – Comments on how varying levels of education were affected by the pandemic

A discussion amongst family members about their experiences related to education and how they were impacted by the pandemic. Erin (25, They/Them) was furloughed from their job at the start of the pandemic, and then chose to resume college courses...