Identity and Faith: Growing Up Gay in the LDS Church

Tracey Fluegel (55) tells her son Oliver Fluegel-Murray (18) about her young adulthood after growing up in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Going into her struggles in discovering her sexuality and identity while in a culture that...

Sedrick and Ruth Luke

Sedrick (22) and his sister Ruth (27) discuss First Step Communities, an organization that works with the homeless in order to find them homes in Sacramento, CA.

Similarities between the United States and Chinese culture.

My name is Matthew Beussman and in this interview I talk with Wei Li who is 50 years old. In this interview, we talked about our cultures and more specifically about our childhood, schooling, different characteristics about our cultures, and...

There’s a Lot You Can Learn from Your Parents (feat. Brother!)

I had the opportunity to interview my parents for a school project! Little did I know I’d learn a lot in just 30 minutes. This interview is raw, lighthearted, and heavy at times. It is a bit choppy towards the...

Gissell Flores and her aunt Gabriela Pinedo talk about life lessons.

In this interview, Gissell Flores and her aunt, Gabriela Pinedo, talk about some of the lessons life has taught them. Her aunt shares a profound religious experience she had with her younger child, Jacob. She gives teenagers an advice that...

Katelyn Stankowski and her dad Paul Stankowski talk about his time on the PGA Tour and his life growing up.

In this interview, conducted in November 2017, Katelyn Stankowski (15) interviews her dad Paul Stankowski (47) about his time on the PGA Tour and his life growing up. Paul Stankowski shares stories of his past and his experiences with golf....

Eugene Reece & Al Lejarde

Veteran and Single Father of 3, Eugene Reece (40) speaks with Al Lejarde (37) on how the Easterseals Bob Hope Veteran Support Program assisted Eugene navigate out of homelessness and unemployment during the Holidays back in 2019.

A Graceful Man, Manuel Carrizalez SR.

My Grandpa, is a man who defies his age by doing things that make him feel young at heart. He always radiates with positivity and is a very inspirational role model. His smile is infectious and his essence always brightens...

Seven Boxes: Celebrating the Strength to Move On

Dr. Bobbi Alba shares her new inspirational memoir about multiple sudden atypical losses. Topics include: cancer, loss of child, domestic violence, mental illness, homelessness, alcoholism, pet loss, transgender youth, and leaving a living legacy.

Susheel Vishwa’s Grandpa’s story Part 2

In our interview, my grandpa and I talked about the things my Grandpa would say to himself when he was a teenager. My grandpa is Christian, so through the most traumatic events that he went through, he looked toward God...


I weave my life into the greater story of 1934 to the present, the Great Depression, rural America, the child games we played, while man I would marry fire bombed Tokyo,the second world war, repression of the 1950s,west coast jitters...

Susheel Vishwa’s Grandpa’s story part 1

My grandpa talked about his childhood and how his life was like growing up on a farm. He also talked about how his dad was the most influential person in his life, because he taught right from wrong, and how...

Interview with my Mom

We talked about life, love, and the pursuit of happiness

Rowan and Ava ASMR

In this interview, Ava Willis (16) and Rowan Hutchinson (16) talk in Live Oak, CA. They discussed a favorite memory of Rowan and computers, as well as how Ava feels she will die, and how she wants to be buried.

John Bipes

Dad’s life growing up in Southern Minnesota, Being drafted into the military police, his young married life and his growth in the Lutheran faith.


I interviewed my grandmother on Thanksgiving, and listened to her as she talked to me about her motherhood, faith and childhood

“I Want Ice Cream”

Religion was important to her. She thinks that everything is good and people should remember her as a happy, peppy woman.

Sylvia Elizabeth Beck Mathis remembered by Jill

Jill talks about her mother, Sylvia, who recently passed away. She shares memories of Sylvia's early childhood, marriage, and family life, and the valuable legacy she left to her family and posterityl

“Being Jewish, I have sort of an outsider’s perspective”

In this interview, conducted on December 15th, 2023, in Santa Monica, California, Andrew Bernknopf (60) talks with his son, Leo Bernknopf (15) about how his Jewish religion and faith in God has shaped his perspective of the world. He shares...