Ilse Casolari

Ilse talked about her trasition from Germany to America and the different jobs she has had.

Immigration Interview with Anne.

Anne and I talked about her experience in coming to the United States. She arrived at Ellis Island with her husband in 1947.

Karl Wilhelm Beyer Interview

we discussed the life and childhood of Karl Wilhelm Beyer

11/26/18 – Interview with Dad

There was the mention of the importance of education, life lessons, professional satisfaction and growth, stories of moving between countries (and the courage in doing so), retold WWII anecdotes, globalization, and some dating advice.

Conversation with Opa

Opa talks about coming to the US from Germany, the jobs he worked and building his own house.

Interview with my dad, William Keltz, November 2015

I’ve got Dad (born 1939 in Colorado, USA) trapped after Thanksgiving...I ask him about his life since meeting my mom (Anke Breier Keltz, born 1940 in Germany) and what it was like to marry a German in post-WWII United States.