Ife Means Love

My mom, Mary, shares her story of coming to America and raising 5 children while still preserving her culture. She highlights her life becoming an immigrant to America for the purpose of better opportunity for her family. The interview includes...

Norman Hatter and Steve McCutchan

Friends Norman Hatter (79) and Steven McCutchan (80) discuss meeting civil rights leaders Martin Luther King Jr., and Stokely Carmichael. They talk about guiding their churches through racism and racial equity as they both have served different types of Christian...

“This College taught me, again, accidentally sometimes on purpose, about power, which has served me in my life after college.”

Journalists Diamond Sharp ’11 and Ikhlas Saleem ’11 discuss the effects of social media on social movements, the silence surrounding class differences, and learning to code switch between different social groups at Wellesley during the 2010s, a skill that has...

Birth story

This is the story of my birth told by my father.

Kelsey Barnes and Kyana Sanchez Rodarte

Friends, colleagues, and current college students Kelsey Barnes (19) and Kyana Sanchez Rodarte (19) share a conversation about protecting and celebrating Black hair and expression. They also talk about their work as youth leaders on anti-hair discrimination legislation and supporting...

The Miracle of Adoption

Before their two children, Luc Bourassa’s soon to be parents had to think of other ways to have the family they wanted. In November of 2017, 15 year-old Luc Bourassa interviewed his father, Louis Bourassa, to learn how he and...

Jené Watson and Kupenda Auset

Friends Jené Watson (43) and Kupenda Auset (48) talk about the women they have dubbed their "chosen" ancestors: Maud Cuney Hare and Adrienne Herndon, respectively.