Michael Waddington and Tamar Lively

Michael Waddington: 2020-06-03 00:32:13 Michael Waddington and Tamar Lively talk about how their lives have changed. Moving from childhood to adulthood and living in Seattle in the middle of a pandemic.

Rene Howard and Brandon Newell

One Small Step partners Rene Howard (19) and Brandon Newell (22) discuss their political beliefs, their life goals, and the people who have impacted their lives the most.

"Row your own Boat" and other wise words in the life of Roberta "Bobbie" Sahr

Laura Rosenfeld (32) talks with her grandmother, Roberta "Bobbie" Sahr (82) about her childhood, courtship and marriage with her husband, John Sahr, and advice for her grandchildren.

Interview with my Grandma in 2023

I, the interviewer, am Brooklyn Elizabeth Adams and I am interviewing my 63 year old grandmother named Sandra Gallagher. We talked mostly about her time in Anchorage, Alaska.

Ryan McKee and Evan Fried

One Small Step conversation partners Ryan McKee (34) and Evan Fried (31) talk about their political beliefs, issues with politically similar people, and how the country can move forward less divided.

Torn Between Two Cultures: On Being the Daughter of Immigrant Parents

Loyola University Chicago MSW student Kate Dawson talks with her best friend of many years, Chloe Kilano, about growing up with two immigrant parents from Iran. The two reflect on Chloe's experience of being a first-generation college student while challenging...

Being the Change with Kenney Tran

Kenney Tran is a Vietnamese American RPCV who served in Colombia, telling stories of exploring his past, learning from history, and analyzing the political movements of today in order to sculpt a better world through policy and legislation. Kenney currently...

Tamara Moore and Andrea Hulman-Watsjold

One Small Step conversation partners Tamara Moore (46) and Andrea Hulman-Watsjold (31) discuss their careers, political values, and what the biggest issues in Alaska are.

Dorothy Garza and Twilla Booker

Friends Twilla Booker (59) talks with Dorothy Garza (63) about Dorothy’s childhood, her family, her time in college, in the Air Force, in Alaska, and Japan, her children, and about the life lessons that she would like to pass on...