Marsy y Alba, DC public charter school teachers, on wellness.

Estan discutiendo bienestar y cultura en LAMB-PCS, una escuela bilingue en Washington, DC. Marsy and Alba speak in Spanish about their efforts to remain centered amidst crisis, and the need for teacher wellness.

Imelda Brito and Pedro Hernandez

Don Pedro Hernandez (87) e Imelda Brito (66) hablan de la agricultura y el papel que juega en su comunidad. También platican del proceso de sembrar y cosechar en su tierra, los animales que cuidan y la pasión que tienen...

Growing up Cuban In North Jersey

My father and I discussed the experiences we had growing up in the same home town. We focused on what being Cuban meant to us here and how it is dificult to maintain culture as imigrant families continue to exist...

Part One: Maria speaks of transition, settling into Richmond, and her dreams of bringing more Mexican culture to her adopted city!

Part one of two: Maria sits down with Alison and translator Kaitlyn to talk about family, her move to Richmond, and ways she believes we can incorporate more Mexican culture into the town she has grown to love and appreciate!

Olivia Hernandez and Esmeralda Alday

Friends and colleagues Olivia Hernandez (65) and Esmeralda Alday (40) share a conversation about the importance of bilingual education in schools, building connections through plática, and the power of language to strengthen one's relationship with their identity, culture, and community.

Reg Kim – The Man, The Myth, The Legend

Jaime interviews Reg about growing up in southern California and his experience navigating predominantly Mexican-American and predominantly white schools and how that influences his teaching and conception of vocation.