Irma Avila and Liz Deines

Friends Sister Irma Avila (69) and Sister Liz Deines [no age given], both Sisters of Loretto, talk about Loretto Academy and share fond memories of the school and the Loretto community.

Interview with Ruth Phillips in San Marcos, Tx on December 1st, 2019.

Faith Phillips interviewed her Grandmother Ruth Phillips on December 1st, 2019. They discussed her life and lessons she had learned. As well as memories of her family when she was a child.

Ellen White and Chuck Squier

Friends Ellen White (65) and Chuck Squier (70) come together to remember Ellen's experience growing up in South Dakota and a particular road trip with her father.

Interview with Oma

My Grandma(Oma) answers some questions from how she joined the military, to even working for the state department.(The cover photo is from us when she too me to London, I called he for the interview)

Imelda Brito and Pedro Hernandez

Don Pedro Hernandez (87) e Imelda Brito (66) hablan de la agricultura y el papel que juega en su comunidad. También platican del proceso de sembrar y cosechar en su tierra, los animales que cuidan y la pasión que tienen...

Hannah’s Interview

This interview is about my grandma and her teaching experience.