Silena Layne and Jeb Backe

Silena Layne (44) speaks with StoryCorps facilitator Jeb Backe (26) about her faith journey in the face of struggle and loss. Silena reflects on her relationship to the Black Church and on the impact of gun violence on her family.

Lymon Sanderson and Robert McCord

Best friends Lymon Sanderson (51) and Robert McCord (56) share a conversation about their experiences with addiction, homelessness, recovery, and finding homes. They also discuss the roles family, friendship, and God play in their lives.

Leon Hoover and Robert Shore

One Small Step partners Leon Hoover (71) and Robert "Bob" Shore (75) talk about their political views and their careers in energy and behavioral health. They reflect on the current state of abortion and energy policy and discuss the influence...

David Bautista Gonzalez and Daniel Dominguez

One Small Step conversation partners David Bautista Gonzales (21) and Daniel Dominguez (43) dive into their different lived experiences. They find commonalities in their experiences growing up in Mexican-American culture and understanding the bittersweetness of being a first generation college...

Patricia Bower and Don Simmons

One Small Step Partners and California residents Don Simmons (66) and Patricia Bower (70) reflect on their life paths, familial and legislative political conflict, faith, homelessness, and California politics.

Russell Bower and Ryon Ganser

One Small Step conversation partners Russell "Russ" Bower (69) and Ryon Ganser (54) talk about their different upbringings in Connecticut, the differences in opportunities available today, how they came to their political and economic views, their parents and children and...