Amy Yarger discusses Urban Prairies Project in Colorado with Karyn Light-Gibson

Karyn, a graduate student at Miami University, talks with Amy Yarger. Amy works at the Butterfly Pavilion as the Horticulture Director. She talks with Karyn about the Urban Prairies Project and its importance to the overall biodiversity of Denver, surrounding...

Cecil Durbin | about his mom and dad

I (Paul) interviewed my dad, Cecil, on January 1, 2020. I focused on finding out some details and stories concerning my Grandpa and Grandma.

My dad in a coma

Gabriel Vidalis(13) talks with Demetri, his father(41), about his experience in a coma

Two Communities of Love with Madeline Diaz and Juan Josue Martinez

Madeline and her friend Juan Josue talk about the LGBTQ+ Community and the Christian Church, and how these two often find themselves at odds. As a devout Christian who is Bisexual, Juan speaks to how difficult it can be to...

All things work together for good

All things work together for good Is a lighthearted story about my basketball coach in junior high school who was able to see the good while everyone else saw the bad during a basketball game.

Talking with a New Friend

Dr. Marci Yoss talks to her new friend Camille Beckett (21) about her family, profession, and loneliness. Marci delves into the importance of her husband and children within her life, discusses how the medical field as positively impacted her, and...