Lucas Miller and Patrick Miller

Patrick Miller (56) provides some insights on how different the family norms were when he was a child.

“What trait do you see in yourself that you passed down to me?”

My brother and my mom have been very close, and they talked to each other a lot more often and more easily than I talked to my mom. My brother has moved out and with that my mom and I...

Sriya Srinivasan and Thatha (grandpa) and Grandma.

The Great Thanksgiving Listen! Featuring Sriya Srinivasan as the interviewer and her grandparents as the interviewees.

Hugh Marasa's Life Stories and Advice

Hugh Marasa (61) talks with his son Alec Marasa (17) about his life experiences and what he has learned from them. He covers his job, aspirations as a young adult, and being a parent of two.

Interview With my 89 year-old Grandpa

My Grandpa was born in 1930. We talked about everything from the start of WWII to him going on road trips with my Grandma and all of their kids. We even talked about who he voted for in the 1948...

"But our guns were bigger….."

Ms. Felicia Foy, Army veteran shares her experiences and life of service in the United States military.

An Interview with a NJROTC Commander

This is an interview between myself, Taylor Mahan, and my NJROTC Commander James Davis. In this interview we discuss Commander Davis' career in the military and then transitioning into civilian life as well as important people in his life that...

Interview between Julie Barefoot and Jason Barefoot

Jason Barefoot speaks with his mother about their most fond memories of Decatur, what makes someone or something "quintessentially Decatur" and, how Decatur has informed their life experiences.

The Struggles of Immigrating to A New Country

Brandon Marina: 2022-12-01 06:38:43 This is an interview of me and my mom and the story of how they immigrated and the struggles they faced. My hope is that anyone watching can see that it is possible and you too...