Lorne Jeff, Boyi Dong, Alma Cavira, and Julius Cavira

Husband and wife Julius (40) and Alma Cavira (37) have a conversation with their friends Boyi Dong (30) and her husband Lorne Jeff (31) about their childhoods, their education and their minority experience.

Eva Medrano and Yvette Jones

Eva Medrano (70) and her daughter, Yvette Jones (47), share stories and memories of their family and life between El Paso and Juarez.

Scott Cutler and Marshall Carter-Tripp

Friends and colleagues Scott Cutler (71) and Marshall Carter-Tripp (78) discuss how they became involved with the Frontera Land Alliance and conservation efforts. They also talk about current projects they are working on.

Ebony Isis Booth and Sheryl Felecia Means

Friends, colleagues, and co-conspirators Ebony Isis Booth (41) and Dr. Sheryl Felecia Means (31) discuss burnout, the medical racism Black women face in seeking reproductive care, ancestral healing, and rest as resistance.

Experiencing a Wedding

When Dennis Parrone attended the wedding of his own best man’s daughter, he wanted to soak in every detail. New technology enabled a sighted assistant hundreds of miles away to see everything from his seat and give him a narrative...

Frank Apodaca and Heather Apodaca

Frank Apodaca (73) speaks with his daughter Heather Apodaca (39) about his life growing up and his family.