Richard Olchawa Ohava and Janet Hsieh

Spouses Richard Ohava (81) and Janet Hsieh [no age given] discuss their respective backgrounds, upbringings and their relationship.

Masahiro Ishigami and Song Seto

Song Seto (30) interviews her husband Masahiro "Masa" Ishigami (37) about his decision to leave Japan and enroll in high school in the United States. They also talk about their own relationship, their civil and family marriage ceremonies, and hopes...

Kimberly Hopkins and Connie Lint

Kimberly Hopkins (63) speaks with her sister, Connie Lint (69), about her time serving as mechanic in the Air Force and a member of the National Guard. Kimberly considers the discrimination she faced as a woman in the military and...

Alton Clark Sr. and Jacqueline Davis

Good friends Alton Clark Sr. (81) and Jacqueline Davis (57) discuss Alton's life and the course of his military career, spanning 23 years from 1961 - 1984.

On The Level #99: Randy Jager knocks 3 times.

Knock, and a door will be opened. Okay - maybe you have to knock 3 times. Randy tells the story of his interest in Freemasonry and how his neighbor played a big role.

Sue Hansen and Ken Hansen

Spouses Sue Hansen (57) and Ken Hansen (58) explore their uncanny connection and its anchoring in a shared love of beauty.

Victoria Berdanis-Dukart and Rosanne Berdanis-Dukart

Wives Victoria "Vickie" Berdanis-Dukart (57) and Rosanne Berdanis-Dukart (49) tell the story of their relationship, from how they initially met, to a 5 1/2 year period of not seeing each other, to their eventual marriage and life together.

Michelle Mercurio and Ron Shamaskin

One Small Step conversation partners Michelle Mercurio (46) and Ron Shamashkin (65) discuss pivotal political moments in their lives, healthcare, education, and media that has deepened their understanding of the world.

On the Level #98: Jean-Claude Malterre, a French American Mason and the Military Degree Team.

Jean Claude Malterre came to America from France for a job opportunity and never left. Since that time, he became a mason in Tucson Lodge No. 4. He is now Worshipful Master of the Grand Lodge of Arizona Military Degree...

Veronica Seymour and Marian Atkins

Marian Atkins (65) shares what she knows about her mother's life story with her daughter, Veronica Seymour (35). They discuss how she survived World War II as a child in Japan, what it was like for her to immigrate first...

Angela tells her life story, from having an above average intelligence to a devastating brain injury.

Angela was born with an above average intelligence, reading her first novel by age five, beginning college at eight, and receiving her doctorate by 18. After a 25-year career in the military, she experienced various explosions, one of which, in...

On the Level #101: Jim Watson, a man with a plan-Part #2

Jim Watson says he's a simple man with a simple plan. Yet he's anything but simple. From the time he was a a young man, certain people in the community had an eye on Jim. And he would prove their...

Angela Meyers and Allison Cleveland

Allison Leigh Cleveland (61) tells her colleague Angela Meyers (42) about her experiences in the army during the Cold War doing military intelligence and guard duty in Germany. She also describes witnessing the fall of the Berlin Wall on her...

Alice Ferris and Jim Anderson

Best friends and business partners Alice Ferris (53) and Jim Anderson (60) discuss a few of Jim's exciting life experiences.

Let's Talk About Music

Malauna S.(19) and their long term best friend Alexis S.(19) sit down and have a quick chat about their music preferences. What's your favorite song? What is your movie makeover sequence soundtrack?

Lisa Taylor and Ivelisse Cruz

Friends Lisa Taylor [no age given] and Ivelisse "Ivy" Cruz [no age given] reflect on their experiences as women in the Air Force.

Michael Tagliapietra and Tyler Carter

Michael Tagliapietra (53) talks with friend and coworker Tyler Carter (27) about their experiences as Paralympians, their work at the United States Olympic and Paralympic Museum, and their hopes for the future.

Jack Pinnas

Jack Pinnas (81) talks with his grandson, Harrison Friedman (22), about his experience in Guatemala as a part of the Epidemic Intelligence Service, and how he almost had his head chopped off while delivering malaria vaccines.

Allan Anderson and John Waters

Allan "AJ" Anderson (31) shares a conversation with his grandfather John Waters (80) about fishing, Chicago, aging, and death.

William Moody and Elizabeth Moody

William Moody (62) helps his mother Elizabeth Moody (101) to recall stories from her long life. Elizabeth recounts the move her family took from Missouri to Arizona in 1924, and how she made a happy life for herself in Arizona...

Oliver Pelayo and Alexander Liguori

Colleagues in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit at OHSU, Oliver Pelayo (50) and Alexander Liguori (30) sit down to discuss family, ambitions, and their perspectives on success.