My Grandfather's Uprising: From Dreams to Reality

Mahendra Shah always wanted to make a “lasting impression” on society. He always wanted to make a change and have a purpose in life. As a child, he believed that having a “last impression” on society was to become a...

Sriya Srinivasan and Thatha (grandpa) and Grandma.

The Great Thanksgiving Listen! Featuring Sriya Srinivasan as the interviewer and her grandparents as the interviewees.


Aruna Patil (68) talks with her son, Akshay (39) about her parents, growing up in various cities (Mumbai, New Delhi, Wellington) in India, and attending medical school.

Cameron Flukey and Dennis Snyder 2021 Great Thanksgiving Listen

Cameron Flukey (16) talks with his grandad Dennis Snyder (80). They talk about Dennis's childhood and bring up memories from a long time ago. Dennis talks about his young childhood and what traditions they had as a family. Then Dennis...

"The determined journey of immigrant Satish Meesa interviewed by Nishna Meesa."

This interview is about my father Satish Meesa and his journey and adventure of immigrating from India to Kansas. He talks about how his journey looked like, what America and Kansas had to offer like the opportunities, and the challenges...

Aditi Iyer (14) interviews her grandmother in India, Shantha Dhandapani (70) about her upbringing and her previous jobs.

In this interview, conducted on January 5, 2023, in Canton Michigan, Aditi Iyer interviews her grandmother Shantha Dhandapani (70) about her childhood in India and her work life. She talks about the different jobs she worked in and how it...

We’ve got to keep our language alive

Brenda McBride talks about her experiences as a tutor at the Gamilaraay/Yuwaalaraay/Yuawaalayaay Language and Culture Nest in Lightning Ridge, NSW.

My Mother's Childhood

I learned a lot about my mother’s childhood. I learned how she grew up, and why she did the things she did. It was inspirational how she gave up on her dreams to ensure a good future for herself. She...

Carol Leatherman shares stories of the many places she has called home

As Carol Leatherman shares, "Home is where I feel like my heart is at peace" - and Carol has learned that many places can offer that sense of calm and belonging. Carol and her family have lived in spots as...