Oral interview-Christian Rosas

Today Christian (14) is talking with their guardian, their mom specifically (Jaquelin) asking questions about her life today and stuff about the world

Interview a Family (new)

A interviews about the food journey of my mother.

9/11 Oral Histories – Maria Tellez and Alma Tellez

Maria Tellez was born in Michoacan, Mexico on September 2nd, 1979. She spent most of her life living in Mexico and then moved to Santa Ana, CA. She grew up with her mom Juana, which was one of the most...

Immigration change throughout the years

We talk about her experience and issues regarding immigration now and immigration during the '90s when my aunt first got here. translation Q: when first arriving what did you think that you would stay in this new country for a...

"La Vida Por Delante"- Sarahi y Lourdes

Lourdes Bartolo (38) y su hija, Sarahi Zuniga(18), hablan de los cambios en estilo de vida al llegar a un pais nuevos y las metas del futuro.

April and Lorenzo Martinez

small interview, connection with my father. Mostly about his thoughts and opinions about life.


This is an interview with my dad and it’s about what he thinks about college and of me going to college