Hard Work Is What Matters

My uncle has had many life experiences that have taught him how to be a hard worker and the person he is today.

Think Positive, be positive.

I talk with my mom about her life stories, I was really young when we first came here so I didn't know about what happened back in Nepal and India. We talked about how it was growing up and childhood...

John Babcock Part 1: “I testified against the Hells Angels”

This section is a brief introduction to John and his life. We discussed his career and how it affected his life. He talks about how he changed a young man's life and the school he built from scratch. John also...

Getting to Know You

On January 18th, 2018 I interviewed my mother, Karen Flood, in order to learn things I didn’t know about her. I was able to learn about her childhood, a high school party thrown at her house, her change of career...

Live, Laugh, Love Episode 1: Sumner Bell

On the primary episode of Live, Laugh, Love I interview my compatriot, Sumner Bell. We talk Christopher Nolan, Astrophysics, Indians and integrity. This interview is guaranteed to bring a smirk to the mouth.

Genesis Jimenez and Jennel Silva “Without rain, there’s no flowers”

In this interview, we got to talk a lot about her love life since I didn’t know a lot about. We also talked about her education and job. Lastly, we got a little more personal into her life, talking about...

“ I'm happy from where I came from, [to] where im at right now”

My father being a 14 year old boy moving from his homeland (Mexico) to the U.S (California) to work and build a better future for himself. From working on a field to being a successful mechanic. Experiences he went through...