An interview with my inspiration: Jane Calder

Today i interviewed my piano teacher of 9 years. Over the nine years, I only knew about her past students and children. Today I wanted to know more about her childhood, career, passions and proudest moments.

“It’s a classic…”

I got to interview my brother, Ashton. We had conversations on his childhood, school systems, parents, funny and scary stories, nicknames, inspirational people, and football.

Rosalia Melendez and Karen Melendez

In this interview my mom talks about moving from place to place. Also how her life changed when she moved to the United States. She also talks about her childhood in Mexico.

Getting to Know You

On January 18th, 2018 I interviewed my mother, Karen Flood, in order to learn things I didn’t know about her. I was able to learn about her childhood, a high school party thrown at her house, her change of career...

My Mother and I

Because I am going to college soon and have started the application. I wanted to know more about my mothers childhood and what her college experience was like. I also wanted to know how she ended up moving thausands of...

Think Positive, be positive.

I talk with my mom about her life stories, I was really young when we first came here so I didn't know about what happened back in Nepal and India. We talked about how it was growing up and childhood...

John Babcock Part 1: “I testified against the Hells Angels”

This section is a brief introduction to John and his life. We discussed his career and how it affected his life. He talks about how he changed a young man's life and the school he built from scratch. John also...

Hard Work Is What Matters

My uncle has had many life experiences that have taught him how to be a hard worker and the person he is today.

Meeting My Piano Teacher: Jane Calder

Today I interviewed Jane Calder. I have known her for nine years now. Although I have known her for so long, k have never known much about her. I learned about her childhood, life, mentors, and so much more.