Service Learning Project: Life is Short, Don’t Dwell On It

In this interview, we dive into the life of a military veteran and discuss topics regarding his successes, failures, and the importance of the continuation of a happy life.

Interview with Pop Pop

Today I recorded this interview with my Pop Pop to help document his presence in my life. At first I only looked at this as an extra credit project for my honors world civilization class, but after I did this...

The 1960’s

I spoke with a very close family friend (a grandfather to me) about his experience in the 60’s. We spoke of Kennedy, the National Guard, Vietnam War, Segregation, and more.

A Part of My Dad's History

Kaila Dowd (17) talks with her dad Lawrence M Dowd II (62) and learns about a part of his history that she has not heard about before. Since I am currently applying to colleges and trying to decide where I...

Colonel Terry Derouchey’s Military Career

In this interview, Colonel Terry DeRouchey discusses his time at West Point and some of the highlights of his military career. He served in the United States Military for 35 years.


"You know that saying about doing something that scares you?" Nancy Campbell has left no corner of Saugerties untouched by her DIY approach. She has been an owner of a gallery downtown, served on the town board and acted as...

Eric Diaz

We spoke about Eric’s life influences and overall reflecting on life.

My maternal grandmothers memories. (Great thanksgiving listen project)

The interview consisted of my grandmother telling about her memories of her childhood and growing up which was conducted in November 23 2017

Computer school thanksgiving project

Me and my grandma close friend had a great interesting interview

Jono Peters, served in Afghanistan

John grew up in Rye NY and later joined the Marines and served in Afghanistan after being stationed in North Carolina

Grandpas time in the military

Me and my grandpa talked about his time in the military. He talked about all the amazing lessons he learned,and the hard parts of the war he experienced.

McCormack Family History

History of Technology in IBM, Irish Catholic movement in high schools on the north East side of Chicago. History of club Alabam burying the Great Depression. (Pictured: Marcella Benett 1928)


When Tad Richards' mother remarried, it was to man named Harvey Fite, who lived in a house with no electricity or running water, dominated by a mountain view and a pile of rubble. That was unique enough living arrangement, but...

Peter Bankson Reflects on His Vietnam Experience in Duc Pho 1966-67

Peter Bankson describes how he ended up going to Vietnam, his early experiences there and his involvements with the people of Duc Pho. He recalls a frightening mortar attack and the dawning realization that violence is no solution to humanity’s...

RICHARD FRISBIE (that’s “ie”)

“I figured I would get old, tweedy and sit in an old chair and read every day.” Richard grew up in a tight-knit family that dominated the hamlet of Veteran and made it possible for his mother to raise five...

Bringing Back the Old Days

We talked about my grandma and grandpa's lives as they were growing up and what led them to where they are now.


"I was able to stay safe for a little while...but not long." Persistent and determined are adjectives too timid still to describe Marti Randall. After serving in the Marine Corps in the mid-1970's, she moved to Saugerties where she trained...


Audrey explains her start in genealogy and how her insatiable curiosity has propelled her to record life and death in Saugerties. Everybody knows Audrey. And now that she's powered by a laptop and Google, rather than pen or copier, Audrey...

An Honorable Pakistani-American Engineer Life

Basically, I interview my 50 year old father who had travelled to America from Pakistan through striving for success and excelling in academics in Pakistan attending the top Engineering school there. He gives important lessons on how one can achieve...


Loved talking to my gpa about his life.