Eve Shenale life story and experiences on Navajo Reservation

Eve Shenale (41) shares her life story on the Navajo reservation and urban city to her son, Matthew Gould (16). Growing up in the Navajo Nation Reservation and school life in the urban city came with constant moving. In both...

Payton Feery and his dad Douglas Feery talk about influences in his life and memories from growing up in Albuquerque, NM

In this interview conducted in December 2021 in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Payton Feery (17) interviews his dad Douglas Feery (41) about his childhood and early adulthood memories and experiences. Mr. Feery discusses funny memories he had growing up, and some...

Gramma Bee

Life and times of Gramma Bee. We explore her life homesteading as a girl in southern Colorado, we talk about her time working in the naval yards in Bremerton during WWII. We talk about bootlegging, life in Los Alamos, family...

Christine’s Life

This interview was brought back to my mother, Christine Benedetto, life. She shared her feelings, attitudes, and relationships.

Allison Cooley and her grandfather, Ronald Ford, discuss Ronald's experience in the U.S. Army

This interview, recored on November 21st 2020 from Albuquerque New Mexico where Allison (16) lives, interviews her grandfather, Ronald (87), who lives in Concord New Hampshire, explores Ronalds early school days in New Hampshire and life overseas in Taiwan, drafted...

Johnetta Talley – Thanksgiving 2017

Johnetta (Stalder) Talley tells about growing up in rural Oklahoma during the depression, her marriage to the love of her life, Max Talley, becoming a Christian, and her legacy as matriarch of a very large family.


Interview of Viviana Aguilar‘ life. What has shaped her to be the person she is right now. Her accomplishments, memories, etc.