Growing up the daughter of an immigrant

I talked with my mom about her different experiences growing up first generation in America as the daughter of two Irish immigrants.

Interviewing my Mom

In this interview, we discussed my mother’s childhood and how it contributed to her being the woman she is today.

Interview with my uncle

My uncle talks about his traveling experience and what it is like to be one of the oldest first generation in America.

Life of A Humble Man

My dad talked about how he is grateful for the life he has been given. My dad mentions how he doesn’t take the life god gave him for granted.

The Great Thanksgiving Interview

Me and my mom talked about her and my dad. We talked about how they met and all the fun times they've been through. I also asked her about herself and influential people in her life.

What the old man had to say.

I Tyler Gleason talked with my Grandfather Jim Gleason on how his life was and a lot about who he was. We got to talk about sad topics such as his grandfather and also happy topics like him going to...

Jay, GY, and Alex Discuss Stereotypes

Jay and GY, Intensive English Program students from South Korea, discuss stereotypes with Alex, their Language Partner from the U.S. Stereotypes include ones that foreigners have of Korean people and ones they had before coming to the U.S.