Eric’s Take on Healthy Transitions to Adulthood

The road to adulthood is not always a clear path and sometimes it is the direction of others that helps a young person make the journey.

Essay 3 interview

PART 1 of the interview. It was done through FaceTime and it got cut off midway.

Interviewing Nan Soto: the woman who influences me the most
November 26, 2017 App Interview

During this interview, Nan Soto discussed her relationship with her siblings throughout her childhood and having the role of being the oldest sibling, her influential grandmother, the importance of her Catholic faith in her life and her children’s lives, and...

Interviewing Haley

My name is Lurys. I am an international student. I met Haley some weeks ago and we became friends quickly. Haley invited me to her house on thanksgiving break. She is so awesome and kind; therefore I'm happy that I...

The interview of my grandma Betty Davis.

I conducted an interview of my Grandmother Betty Davis and she answered several questions about her life.

Cindy Morris, Dealing With A Life Changing Illness

Cindy Morris was able to retire early to care for her mother, a stroke survivor with Parkinsons Disease. But just two year’s later, Cindy was diagnosed with Multiple Systems Atrophy - Parkinsons and required a caregiver of her own. Her...

Drew Baker’s interview for StoryCorps, 2017
November 27, 2017 App Interview

In this recording Drew Baker at Washington Juinor High in Bentonville, Arkansas, records an audio file for StoryCorps. Drew Baker is is seventh grade. He is interviewing his Dad about his life.