The Days My Father was Arrested

Firtuna’s dad was arrested for religious reasons, and he also lost his father. He ran away to the border of the country to get his freedom. Firtuna and her family followed him.

“Culture is very important”

Konstantinos was a Greek immigrant who came to America at 14 years old, he sat down with me to record this interview and to tell me stories from his life and how American culture has impacted his life. He describes...

Ariam Tecle and Samuel Tecle talk about childhood back in Eritrea.

In this interview, conducted in December 2019, Ariam Tecle interviews her father about his childhood and the people that have impacted his life. He also mentions the struggle of leaving Eritrea to come to America at a young age. He...

Interview with Yokabed Ogbai, Gorreti Murguia, and Jose Catarino

Yokabed Ogbai, Goretti Murguia, and Jose Catarino have three unique immigration stories ready to be toldthat they shared with the J2U interns. Yoki is 19 years old and heading into college. She recently received her citizenship and currently resides in...

Karizma Blackburn talking to Her father Clifton Blackburn about his life and family heritage.

In this interview,conducted in November 2017 in Chicago,IL,Karizma Blackburn (17) interviews her father Clifton Blackburn(64) about the identity he has molded into from childhood and family lineage. He depicts the laughter of memories that can bring joy.Mr.Blackburn reveals how huge...

"They were jailing and killing Eritreans… we had to leave."

Seforah Teferi (17) and her grandfather, Berhane Tewolde (80) talk about why he left a succesful life in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia with his wife and five kids, to start all over in America

Jacob’s interview

This is a interview about my moms life when she was younger. I asked if she had any jobs or activities she did in her village. I asked if she remembered where her ancestors were from and if she knew...

Melissa MacKenzie and Esayas Asfeha

Melissa Mackenzie (68) prompts her dear friend Esayas Asfeha (41) to recount his migration story from multiple refugee camps to his arrival in Missoula, Montana, a 16 year process.

Job Ngwe: Past and Present

I spoke to Dr. Job Ngwe, a professor of Social Work at Northeastern in his home in Chicago, IL about his past and what he looks forward to in the future for TheGreatListen2017 and Lincoln Park HS Room 311.