Interview with our three-year-old son about having two dads

We asked our son what he likes about having two dads, about his favorite things to do, and about what he likes to do with each of us.


Aruna Patil (68) talks with her son, Akshay (39) about her parents, growing up in various cities (Mumbai, New Delhi, Wellington) in India, and attending medical school.

Interview with Patsy Richardson on April 11, 2021

In this interview, I learned about the biggest influence in my grandmother’s life. Also, I learned about her forever favorite memory.

Ann Tirk

I interviewed my Grandmother about her life.

An Interview With My Aunt Marely

Marely has had a great childhood despite the hardships presented to her by the communism in her country of birth (Cuba) and has an interesting ancestry and great parents/grandparents, lots of fun memories, and a lot of experiences that have...

Coming from Cuba

My grandma and great grandma talking about their life and how they came to the United States from Cuba

Interviewing my dad

I was getting to know more about my dad's past and how his parents were which was cool because I have never met them before.

Cuban Odyssey

My abuela, Carmen Ramos, talks about her experiences after leaving Cuba one fateful day. She traveled up and down the East Coast of the U.S. growing up, and I found that it mirrored how I grew up moving around too.

“I want you to have a goal”

My father tells me how he wants me to turn out and how war changed him.

Interviewing my Grandma

In this interview, I talk with my Grandmother, Arminda (Age 75), about her life. We talk about her childhood and her hometown. As well as a bit about her family, who's father's side came from Spain and her relationship with...

PoynterHSJP18 Podcast

This interview is about Thomson Draper, an aspiring journalist, and his life.

Did you know?
January 30, 2020 App Interview

This Interview is a brief overview of Dion’s powerful moments. These lessons have taught him to appreciate life.

Mornings With Mom

My mornings to school include of my mom listening to Elvis Duran and quoting in all throughout the day. On this specific morning we lowered the volume and conducted this interview. My mom shared what it was like growing up...

Lawyer Life

I interviewed my dad for about 10 minutes and asked him about his life. He describes how he grew up and what it’s like to be a lawyer.