Dennis Whittle and Donna Callejon

Dennis Whittle (57) and his colleague and friend, Donna Callejon (56), talk about the journey of Global Giving and their last 15 years working there together.

Brent Watkins 9-22-22

Brent, 64, joined the Crazies in 1993 or 1994. He is a runner with the Crazies, but also mountain bikes (old fashioned and e-bike) and surfs off the coast near Santa Cruz or San Francisco

Crystal reflects on her life, culture, family, and motherhood.

Jordy asks Crystal about growing up as a first-generation child and her childhood. He also asks questions reguarding her adult life as a mother and influences in her life.

Becca Neal

A mother’s spontaneous trip from her hometown of New Hampshire all the way to California. All the risks going and the memories made

Blaine Cezario

Me and my dad talked about how his life is different than he thought it would be when he was younger and how Humboldt county has changed in the 30-40 years since he was a kid.