Do It And See What Happens

Today I interviewed my oldest friend Riley. I am an only child and he has become the closest thing I have to a brother, so naturally we are very close. In this interview Riley tells the story of his family...

Lina and Judy chat for Stonewall Outloud

Lina speaks with SAGE participant Judy at the LGBT Community Center of Greater Cleveland about her experience being gay over the last 50 years.

John Michael Strange- A rich life revealed with love and empathy

Before there was social media, the LGBTQ community found our heroes and leaders in very few places that were public. We were (and still are) a local community that cling to each other for support and family. One of those...

Conversation with Yvonne part 2

Interview with Yvonne Ritter about her life as an LGBTQ pioneer, part 2: post-high school years.