June Cena & Jerry Heraz

June, a Values in Action award nominee, and his manager Jerry discussed the values and work ethic that led to his five nominations. June attributes his strong work ethic to his parents and expresses gratitude for his supportive management and...

Mellissa Stuart and Liz Wessel

Mellissa shares about her calling to help people throughout her life and on her 30 journey as a home health aide and more recently as an Admin Assistant working in home care and hospice. Melissa’s faith is reflected in her...

Valerie Cordes & Michele Manning-Herman

Valerie and Michele have developed a profound bond through their involvement with Providence's Women's Caregiver Resource Group (WCRG), and they want to emphasize the significance of this work and the impact it has had on them. They cannot stress enough...

Casey Doherty & Courtney Milot

Casey spoke with her good friend, Courtney, about living with invisible disabilities. Casey has myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), formerly known as chronic fatigue syndrome, which was triggered by a COVID infection in 2021. In addition to ME and Long COVID, Casey...

Carmen Marshall & Bentley Fox

Carmen opened up with Bentley about a negative experience she had when she took her trans son to seek healthcare. Wanting to ensure that never happened again, Carmen became an advocate for her son's healthcare along with others who needed...

Sauleiha Akangbe & Safia Alakbar

Sauleiha manages the Just Birth program for Swedish in Tacoma. She spoke with her sister, Safia about the importance for this work and how it benefits the Black, Indigenous and Asian Pacific populations of her community. She also talked about...

Susan Clark and Molly Swain

Former and current colleagues within the Providence Mount St Vincent foundation talk about what makes The Mount special. They talk about the importance of the mission continuing and the people, volunteers and residents who created a legacy.

Deanne Yellam & Charlene Boyd

Deanne grew up in the area and knew of Providence Mount St. Vincent (The Mount), but it wasn't until her parents needed assisted living care did she understand what was so special about The Mount. She loved the care her...

Mary Jo Bukovic & Storey Squires

Mary Jo, a dedicated volunteer and friend of The Mount (Providence Mount St. Vincent) shares her memories of her work, the heart & soul of the building and its importance to the community. As a volunteer, she feels she gets...

Hilary Schwed & Storey Squires

Hilary, a 7-yr volunteer at Providence Mount St. Vincent (The Mount), explains how serving at The Mount has shaped her and what it is like for her to have a family member live here. He's found a lot of love...