Denise Dauplaise and Michael Dauplaise

Siblings Denise (55) and Michael Dauplaise (60) talk about an exciting trip they took to the East Coast and then Canada to see the Olympics during the country's bicentennial in 1976.

John’s Birthday August 4 2023

John Harcourt 66 years old and wife Jody Gliserman/Harcourt. Life from Montreal to California.

Linda Green and Mark Green

Spouses Linda Green (68) and Mark Green (67) talk about their experiences with the military. They discuss being in the Air Force band.

“Bring your A-game”
November 28, 2022 App Interview

My Father, John Caltagirone, talks about the experiences and wisdom he has accumulated, both from his own way, and the ways of his marine father and his mother.

Kami Timm and Liz Wessel

Kami shares with her friend and colleague Liz about what brought her to nursing and where she has been in both her career and her personal life. She talks about nursing being her calling and her personal experiences that impacted...